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New Devotional for Addicts

Easter: Meditations for Addicts

by Shirley Crowder and Mark E. Shaw

Many people, including addicts, have a difficult time during the Easter season as memories, both positive and negative, flood our minds. We think of family and friends who have died, opportunities we missed to spend time with them, or broken relationships.

Easter. When you think of Easter what emotions do you feel? Do you think about joyful and fun celebrations from your childhood? Maybe you remember a particular Easter outfit. Does thinking about Easter bring on feelings of loneliness? Do you want to just skip Easter?

For those struggling with an addiction, Easter can also be difficult as you are learning to trust in God and His provision for you, to put away their addictive behavior and put on godly thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.

Easter is a glorious celebration for Christ-followers. It is the time we focus on and celebrate the wonderful gift of salvation given to us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Sadly, we sometimes get so consumed with all our Easter plans—finding the perfect Easter outfit, planning the family Easter meal and gathering, helping with our church Easter activities—that we forget to spend time thanking, praising, and meditating upon Jesus.

Our prayer is that these meditations will help prepare your heart to celebrate the resurrection of our Jesus Christ—the Messiah.