Harriet E. Michael

Harriet E. Michael

Harriet E. Michael was born in Joinkrama, Nigeria, deep in the African Jungle in the Niger River Delta, where her father served as the only missionary doctor at that station. A few years later, the mission moved the family to a larger hospital in Ogbomoso. Co-author, Shirley Crowder and her family lived right across the dirt road. The two children became constant playmates. Today they continue to enjoy their lifelong friendship.

Harriet is a multi-published, award-winning writer and speaker. She has authored or co-authored five books (four nonfiction and one novel) with several more under contract for future release. She is also a prolific freelance writer having penned over 200 articles, devotions, and stories. Her work has appeared in publications by Focus on the Family, David C. Cook, Lifeway, Standard Publishing, Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Upper Room, Judson Press, Bethany House, and more. When not writing, she loves speaking to women’s groups and teaching workshops on freelance writing.

She and her husband of over 38 years have four children and two grandchildren. When not writing, she enjoys substituting at a Christian school near her home, gardening, cooking, and traveling.

Follow Harriet at:
Blog: www.harrietemichael.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harrietmichaelauthor/
Amazon: amazon.com/author/harrietemichael