Oliver Underwood

Oliver and his precious wife Lisa, are ministering on the front lines of the BIBLICAL battle against all types of addictions. Lisa and Oliver are blessed to parent three children: Christian, a nine-year old boy; Evan, a six-year old boy; and Kiley, a four-year old little girl (going on 19!).

Oliver struggled for 12 years with meth, heroin, and alcohol addition, which was really on the tip of the iceberg of what was really going on in his heart. By God’s grace, Oliver’s life was transformed, and now God is allowing him to comfort others with the same comfort Oliver was given. Now, Oliver and his family are richly blessed to be a part of a ministry. Oliver serves as the Executive Director of “The Mission House,” a biblically-based men’s program helping men enslaved by sin (addictions). The work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the men at the “The Mission House” helps them learn God’s instructions for living and strengthen them to choose a life of freedom in Christ.

For more information about “The Mission House” go to: https://themissionhouse.info/