For 2024, instead of a resolution, I’ve chosen a Scripture and a hymn.
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith (1 John 5:4).
The hymn written by William H. Bathurst “Oh, For a Faith That Will Not Shrink” is a prayer asking God to give us a faith that overcomes the world. Each stanza leads us to pray the Lord would strengthen our faith in various situations so that our faith will remain strong regardless of the situations in which we find ourselves.
Stanza 1
Oh, for a faith that will not shrink,
Though pressed by every foe,
That will not tremble on the brink
Of any earthly woe!
We pray that our faith will not diminish but will be steadfast when we face challenging and difficult situations. In recognition that the circumstances we face in life may tempt us to compromise our faith, we pray the Lord will enable us to stand firm and not compromise our beliefs, thereby compromising our faith. We pray that God will help us be ready to stand strong in our faith regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Stanza 2
That will not murmur nor complain
Beneath the chast’ning rod,
But, in the hour of grief or pain,
Will lean upon its God.
We pray for faith strong enough to recognize our need for God and to lean upon Him. Because we know that trials and temptation will come into our lives, we pray that through faith we will not murmur or complain when tempted. We pray that when we are grieving, we will not let our circumstances and emotions overpower our faith.
Stanza 3
A faith that shines more bright and clear
When tempests rage without;
That when in danger knows no fear,
In darkness feels no doubt.
We pray that in the midst of the struggles and trials we face that our faith will remain steadfast. When we are in danger, we pray our faith will give us the security of knowing God is with us. We pray for a faith so strong that we are comforted and emboldened in the face of whatever circumstance we find ourselves. We pray our faith will dispel any doubts and fears we have.
Stanza 4
Lord, give me such a faith as this,
And then, whate’er may come,
I’ll taste, e’en here, the hallowed bliss
Of an eternal home.
We ask God to strengthen and increase our faith (Luke 17:5-6). This is another instance where we are responsible for doing our part. Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (ESV). Our faith will enable us to walk confidently through this life and experience eternal joy in heaven.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for your faithfulness to fulfill Your promises. May our faith continue to grow as we walk in obedience to Your commands. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thought for the Day: Faith enables us to walk confidently through this life and experience eternal joy in heaven.
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