Happy New Year!

Image by M Harris from Pixabay

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

New beginnings are a regular part of life. Sometimes they are well planned, and we eagerly anticipate the future. At other times, we are reticent to move forward into the new beginning. As we think about new beginnings it is appropriate for us to look at the beginning of God’s Word—the Bible.

Today’s passage is the first verse in the first book of the Bible. Here, God is the subject, as He is the subject of the entire Bible. From this verse we learn something very important about God—He existed before the universe was created. God has always been, is now, and will always be, present.

Next, we learn that from nothing God created the universe and everything within it. He is the holy, sovereign, majestic, powerful, all-knowing God.

Every time I read these first few verses of the Bible, I am amazed that with just four little words, Let there be light (verse 3), Creator God spoke into existence light that drove away the darkness. What astounding power! From these verses, we learn that God is the Author of light. Other places in Scripture tell us that God is light itself (1 John 1:5), and James calls Him the Father of lights (James 1:17).

Think about it: here we are today, many years since God spoke those four little words, Let there be light, and as John tells us, Thelight shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5). The Light—God—brings clarity, order, and understanding, while darkness is seen as evil, void, and chaotic. THE God of the Universe who created everything that we see, holds the entire universe in His hands, and controls everything that happens, including a solar eclipse.

In the midst of a new beginning or anything else going on in your life, these biblical truths are wonderful reminders that we can step confidently into any new beginning as we trust in the God who was here in the beginning, is here with us now, and who will be with us always. And what a comfort it is to remember that the light of God dispels the darkness and chaos of sin.

Heavenly Father, may I grow in my faith in You so that I boldly step into the new beginnings and situations ahead.

Click to Tweet: We can step confidently into any new beginning as we trust in the God who was here in the beginning, is here with us now, and who will be with us always. http://bit.ly/2ZIoKBb Happy New Year!

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