Meet Author Stephanie Rodda

I am so excited to introduce you to my sweet friend, Stephanie Rodda.

I first got to know Stephanie through the Southern Christian Writers Conference. She is a precious sister-in-Christ who loves serving others and has a fabulous sense of humor.

Stephanie lives in Alabama with her xl family. She is a blogger, author, freelance writer, and inspirational speaker. Her favorite subjects are faith and family. Encouraging women, sharing God’s Word, and educating others about the beauty of building a family through adoption, are her passions.  

Stephanie and her husband of 38 years, Henry, fostered for 15 years and cared for dozens of children in their home. They were eventually blessed to be able to adopt seven of those and become a forever family.

SJC: Share something fun that you do.

SR: I really enjoy fiber arts, including crochet. It is a creative outlet and so fun to make whimsical gifts for my family  (grandson Lucas pictured below)  

SJC: My favorite book when I was a child was a book of nursery rhymes with colorful illustrations. What was your favorite book as a child?

SR: Little House on the Prairie series was a definite favorite and influenced my desire to write my own fictional family adventures.

SJC: Is writing your full-time career? Or would you like it to be?

SR: I have taken the entire summer off working outside my home to pursue writing full-time or to make progress towards that goal.

SJC: You’re involved with the Southern Christian Writers Conference, in fact, that’s how we met. Tell us why it is important for Christian writers to be involved with Christian writers’ groups.

SR: I think the two most important steps a new writer can take are to attend a writers conference and join a critique group. Conferences provide not only essential training but connections that prove invaluable in the future. I don’t think I would be published in national publications today if I had not attended a writers conference. Critique groups help writers polish pieces to attract editors and increase chances for publication.

SJC: What do you hope your readers take away from this book, How Then Shall We Live?

TC: When I originally began to write this book, it was for myself only. I was feeling overwhelmed with the realization that I was responsible for seven little human beings. I began to wonder if we could make it if our way of life, as we knew it, were to be interrupted. So, I created scenarios that might prove difficult and wrote the story to prove to myself, that we could make adjustments and be just fine! I hope readers will glean that same comfort, knowing that no matter what life throws at us, God is in control.

Click here to read my review of How Then Shall We Live?

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