I’m thrilled to introduce you to my sweet friend and author, Tracy Crump. I met Tracy at my very first Christian Writers Conference, the 2016 Midsouth Christian Writers Conference. We made an instant connection and she has become a dear sister-in-Christ, encourager, and friend.

She made a huge impression on me in many different ways during the conference. However, what struck me the most as I interacted with and observed Tracy throughout the conference, was her steadfast faith in God that undergirded her sweet and gracious demeanor as she confidently accomplished all the tasks she needed to complete. You need to know that Tracy’s dad was buried the day before that conference began. As I have gotten to know Tracy throughout the years, I have learned that her faith is indeed steadfast.

I hope you’ll take time to get to know a little about Tray through this interview, then, come back tomorrow and read my review of her new book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness, that will be available tomorrow!

SJC: I wanted to be a concert pianist when I was younger. What did you want to be when you grew up?

TC: I practically grew up at Baptist Hospital where my dad was medical photographer for twenty-nine years, so I wanted to be a nurse from the age of ten. I went to nursing school at that same hospital and worked there in ICU for five years. (That was a little more doable than becoming a detective like Nancy Drew!)

SJC: Is writing your full-time career? Or would you like it to be?

TC: Well, I write full time, but we would starve if we had to depend on my income alone! However, it’s been an exciting ride with publications in a variety of venues. There’s never a dull moment and always something new to learn

SJC: It’s hard to jump in and start writing. What words of wisdom do you have to encourage someone who is just beginning to write?

TC: I think the two most important steps a new writer can take are to attend a writers conference and join a critique group. Conferences provide not only essential training but connections that prove invaluable in the future. I don’t think I would be published in national publications today if I had not attended a writers conference. Critique groups help writers polish pieces to attract editors and increase chances for publication.

SJC: You’re involved with the Mid-South Christian Writers Conference. In fact, that’s how we met. Tell us why it is important for Christian writers to be involved with Christian writers’ groups.

TC: Even if they publish in the general market, most Christian writers want to project a Christian worldview. Like-minded writers can help each other do that. One time, a member of my critique group submitted a story (that our group loved!) to a general critique group. They trashed it and asked her not to come back because her writing was “too Christian.” That certainly isn’t the case every time, but it’s nice to know you have the support and feedback from people who believe in the same Savior you do when you belong to a Christian group.

SJC: Your first book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness, will be available tomorrow. How do you see your book impacting others?

TC: I pray this book reaches those facing a health crisis or dealing with chronic illness to bring them comfort and peace just when they need it most. Though Health, Healing, and Wholeness is not a book about covid, it’s releasing in God’s perfect timing to deliver hope to a covid-weary world. I’m so excited that the publisher has made discounted box sets available to churches and other organizations who want to use the book for hospital ministry, pastoral care, or outreach. My dream is to make a strong showing “out of the gate,” as my publisher says, and be able to get Health, Healing, and Wholeness into hospital gift shops and similar venues to reach those who need it now!

Amazon link to book: https://amzn.to/2OinraH
Website: https://www.tracycrump.com/
Links to social media: https://linktr.ee/TracyCrump

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2 replies to “Meet Author Tracy Crump”

  1. Shirley Corder says:

    Super interview. Thank you Shirley and Tracy!

  2. What a great interview!

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