The Work Shoes Have Left the Building

Today marks 25 years since my dear brother-in-Christ and cherished friend, Chuck Wall, began his ministry at Crestway Baptist Church as Student Minister. Chuck officially retired at the end of 2018 to begin a new business to which the Lord has called him but has been graciously continuing teaching and leading the student ministry as a volunteer. Last Sunday evening he led the last student small group gathering before our new Student Minister began on Monday.

I snapped the featured picture last weekend as Chuck and his daughter Maria were packing up his office and moving all his things to their home. It occurred to me that he really was “stepping down” when I saw his work shoes sitting on top of the bin and being loaded into his vehicle.

Wearing these shoes, Chuck has built VBS stages, repaired water damaged walls, climbed up and down stairwells and ladders and through every nook and cranny of the Crestway building, creating custom-built bunk beds for the lodge, and so many other things that I don’t even know about.

I first met Chuck the day I interviewed for my position at Crestway. It was just a “hello” meeting. Some of my friends knew him because their sons play ball with Chuck’s son. It did not take long for me to observe and learn that he is one of the kindest, caring, and encouraging men I have ever met. He also has a great warped sense of humor.

We have had many wonderful and often passionate discussions about theology and its application to our lives and our sadness and sometimes anger at things happening in our world. He has been a cherished confidant, advisor, admonisher, and pray-er for me as I have discussed various personal and ministry situations with him.

I bounced ideas for my teaching and writing off him for his suggestions and comments. And, many of our discussions have sparked the initial idea for many of the devotionals I have written.

As a staff, Chuck, Bro. Jimmy and I have laughed together—at ourselves, each other, and situations—prayed together, sought God’s leading for His church, discussed just about everything, and waxed eloquently on numerous subjects.

We all know that Chuck’s precious wife Terry and his children have been an important part of his ministry throughout these years, so I am thankful for each of them also!

In addition to all the things Chuck did while we ministered alongside each other during the weekdays, perhaps the most important—OK, I know I’m supposed to say all the spiritual stuff is the most important, BUT—he was the spider killer and mouse catcher extraordinaire!

I am horrified of spiders, even daddy longlegs which I know are not really spiders! It did not take him long to learn the scream intonation that indicated he should come rescue me from the Mount Everest-sized spider that was attacking me! Chuck would tell you most of them were about the size of a tomato seed or smaller, but his eyes need checking!!

Chuck and Terry will remain at Crestway as faithful members helping Crestway be the church God has called her to be in this community, city, state, nation, and the world.

In case you’re wondering, the Lord graciously sent us a wonderful young man, Tripp Warren, to be our part-time Student Minister.

As the Apostle Paul did in Philippians 1:3-5, I thank my God in all remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Thank You Heavenly Father, for these 25 years of ministry and influence Chuck has had with the Crestway Baptist Church family and staff, and in the community! I am so grateful for the blessing of ministering alongside him and learning from his teaching and example. Father, give him the wisdom, discernment, and ability to become proficient in his new business, through which he will continue sharing the Gospel with all those whom you bring across his path. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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One reply to “The Work Shoes Have Left the Building”

  1. Faye Wilson says:

    I’m sitting here crying and saying Amen to every word Shirley wrote. Chuck, you are the most gifted staff person we have ever worked with in ministry. Jimmy and I have never worked with anyone so supportive to out ministry at Crestway. Will miss you as a staff member but thankful you still are a member of our Crestway family!!!! Love your family💜

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