Dr. Mark Shaw and I are excited to reveal the cover of Advent: Meditations for Addicts. This will be the first book published by The Addiction Connection.

The black represents the darkness and chaos of addiction (all sin, actually). The candle illustration represents the Light of the World, Jesus, breaking through the darkness of our sin to bring us the light of salvation.

We all—not just those who struggle with addiction—need the biblically-oriented help we can obtain to facilitate our being more and more transformed into the image of Christ.

Howard A. Eyrich, ThM, DMin – ACBC and IABC Certified, TAC Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselor

Many people—not just addicts—have a difficult time during the Christmas season as they are reminded of family and friends who are no longer living, missed opportunities, or broken relationships. Regret often fills their minds, too, as they remember hurtful things they said or did in the past or helpful things they did not do.

Advent: Meditations for Addicts takes a season that may commonly be associated with sadness, loneliness, and painful reminders of loss for the addict, and lovingly points them to Jesus Christ.

Tim Keeter – Elder, Grace Community Church, Huntsville, AL; CABC Certified

If you view your Advent celebration as a means of enabling you, a Christ-follower, to draw closer to your Savior and Lord, Jesus, you will come to know Him better as these practices help connect you with Christ and His Word. The Advent season is for you, even if you have struggled or are still struggling with addictive choices, since addiction is primarily a sin issue of the heart for which Jesus Christ died.

Way more than an Advent guide to get readers excited about Christmas approaching on the calendar, these meditations will stir your soul to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:23-25).

Bill Hines – Chairman of the Board, The Addiction Connection; President, Covenant Ministries, Inc.; Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselor (TAC); ACBC and IABC Certified.


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