Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Saturday was a wonderful day of celebration of God enabling Harriet and me to complete our “Glimpses of God” series.

My friends who attended represented phases of my life from my childhood in Nigeria, my high school days, my college days, as well as friends from various ministries with which I have been involved, and those from three very special churches where I am connected. In addition to those who were present, a host of other family and friends were not able to attend for various reasons.

Each one of these has prayed for, loved, encouraged, and supported me and the various aspects of ministry to which the Lord has called me.

It is still a bit overwhelming to me that the Lord has allowed me to author, co-author, or be a contributing author of 12 books!

I often tell people that I have the best friends ever! I am so grateful for help from:
– Mrs. LaVerne Marshall – my High School English Teacher
– Stephanie, Kaitlyn, and Scott Johnson – my friends and keepers
– Patsy Howard, Rose Cameron, and Sandra Stuart – my friends

These friends helped me plan, set up, decorate, prepare the food, serve the cake, replenish the food and drinks, take pictures, man the book tables, greet my guests, clean up and put things back to where they belong. Most importantly, they prayed with me, encouraged me, laughed with—and sometimes at—me, and helped make the Book Signing a great Celebration!

Here are pics of the beautiful and delicious cake made by my friend Dede Freind. The bottom layer was chocolate and the top layer was strawberry! You’ll also see the food and drink tables.

Each table was decorated with the theme of a book or books. We played a game to see if people could guess which table represented which book or books.

Sandra Stuart knew better than to actually let me cut the cake! The second pic is me finally getting MY piece of the cake. I’ve given you a close up so you can see what’s on the side of my piece of cake.

I was so busy signing books and talking with folks I forgot to get pictures of all those who were there! Here are a few we did get.

Here are some pics of us drawing for and awarding door prizes.

These are pics of me signing books and folks at the book tables.

I thank God for my family and friends! Thank you to all those who helped make this a great Celebration!

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